Monday, November 5, 2012 & Joseph Beuys

Sheryl Oring began a project where she set up a typewriter to ask people on the street "If I were the president, what would you say?" Then they must keep whatever they are trying to say concise enough to fit on her postcards. She has sent over 2,000 postcards to the White House. This is a really interesting project, which is also an outlet for many Americans to express themselves about things they are rarely asked about. Now she has a website, set up with an archive of her work.

Joseph Beuys was a German Fluxus artist. He was active in the late 60's and early 70's. In this time period he created many instances of performance art, art that has its value from the people who witness it and is preserved only by their memory. He would always try to make a social statement with his work, whether it was political or simply humanitarian. In this video he is seated in front of a T.V in Berlin, 1970.

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