Wednesday, November 7, 2012


An Iconoclast is someone who supports deliberate destruction of religious icons. Usually this destruction comes with motives which are political or religious, an attempt to rebel and make a statement. Throughout history, in times of revolution or when a government was being overthrown iconoclastic actions were prevalent. Such instances include the French Revolution where revolutionaries destroyed a statue of King Louis XV, in retaliation to the throne. King Louis XVI was later guillotined in the same location. During the American Revolution the Sons of Liberty destroyed a statue of George III of England, pictured below, in a similar manner.

Rebellions of these types are a way of revolutionaries to show the power they have, which is often underestimated by their rulers. A modern example could be Andres Serrano's photo entitled Piss Christ, in which he depicts the crucifix submerged in urine.

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