"We are from the future" says Eva of Eva & Adele. This is thoroughly plausible, there aren't many people likened to this outrageous couple in our times. They have gotten plastic surgery to look exactly the same, making gender a moot point. They do everything the same, go to the same places and eat the same food, attempting to become one being. They are a living work of art but they are also artists, they paint self portraits frequently. They also love to receive pictures of them, seeing their live art in action.
This flash mob doesn't include a choreographed dance, but it does stick to the standard of flash mobs as being a planned performance in an unsuspecting crowd. The set up is great, a man is about to give a speech and all of a sudden another man starts beating a huge drum. Then a man takes the microphone and starts beat boxing, and slowly others appear with other instruments, resulting in a beautiful musical piece.
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