Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Bauhaus & McCarthyism

Bauhaus is artistic style of architecture which because influential to Modernist architecture. Bauhaus wasn't a formal group, but a school of study. Walter Gropius, Hannes Meye and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe became synonymous with Bauhaus as they were architect-directors of the early 1920's-30's. Function was desired over aesthetic pleasure, pieces are normally asymmetrical as opposed to symmetrical and space was looked at over mass. These characteristics were used to create a modern & futuristic look.

McCarthyism was a practice named after President McCarthy, which took place largely in the early 1950's. During this time accusations of disloyalty to the country and treason were often made without specific evidence. During this time of Communism, fears and hysteria were brought about as the president encouraged citizens to distrust their neighbors. This disrupted society much more than the war would have by itself, turning neighbor against neighbor and allowing propaganda to run rampant.

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