Sunday, September 9, 2012

Madama Butterfly

That is Pjotr Sapegin's animated adaptation of Giaccomo Puccini's Madama Butterfly. The original opera was based on an 1898 short story of the same title by John Luther Long. Puccini was an Italian composer who is also famous for La Bohéme. Madama Butterfly was a later production brought to the stage in 1904.

This video is a very creative and unorthodox portrayal of the plot. One part I found very striking is when Lieutenant Pinkerton comes back. Madam Butterfly expects he is there for her and their child but instead he takes their child, tearing the string which connects the mother and daughter. This string is reminiscent of an umbilical cord which was a very interesting artistic choice. I also noticed that Pinkerton and his new wife are depicted as Barbie doll-like figures, where Madam Butterfly and her daughter are crude clay people. This choice sends the message that most would expect the Americans to be perfect and better than anyone else. Almost in response to this, Madam Butterfly destroys herself and this destruction gives way to the birth of a butterfly. It seems to symbolize change and letting go which is wonderful in her situation. This is more beautiful and meaningful than any Barbie would be, and I thought this was a very interesting ending.

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